Core Values​

We’re committed to helping each and every employee explore their potential and find the right career path within our company. From entry-level roles to leadership positions, we provide resources and opportunities for growth that allow you to thrive in your career.

Not just team, we're a family.

At our company, we believe that we are more than just a team—we are a family. This means fostering a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and connected. We celebrate each other's successes, provide unwavering support during challenges, and work together with a shared sense of purpose and commitment. By building strong, familial bonds, we create a workspace where collaboration and trust thrive, ultimately driving us all toward collective success.


Be bold in making suggestions, ensuring they are straightforward and simple while considering their reliability. Before offering a suggestion, take the time to listen and fully understand the situation.​


To approach decision-making, it is essential to be rational, systematic, and measured. Begin by identifying the root causes of problems, rather than merely addressing symptomatic issues. This process involves asking the "5 Whys" to understand the fundamental reasons why a decision needs to be made. Focus on gathering critical data, eliminating irrelevant information, and using your intuition based on the data you have. Finally, ensure that the decisions made are strategic and have a long-term impact.


Being independent is crucial, as reliance on direction from division heads becomes unnecessary; the primary reason you were recruited is to find solutions, not to ask questions. Develop the ability to learn quickly and maintain a strong willingness to challenge the status quo. Focus on contextual learning—understand the reasons behind concepts rather than simply memorizing them. Execute everything you learn with the goal of making the team the best, by being faster and more accurate.


Don’t fear being labeled as foolish when proposing ideas; if that happens, it’s a sign that you need to keep learning. Remember, you are on a mission to save the world and fulfill a greater purpose, making everything you do incredibly important. Show every member of the organization that you truly care about your ideas and why they matter. When people see your sincerity, they will recognize the importance of your contributions. Additionally, make decisions by wisely considering the risks involved.


Encourage a drive for excellence in all tasks, motivating others to deliver outstanding work. Show deep concern for the success of the company, maintaining an optimistic, persistent, and confident attitude. At the same time, remain open-minded and humble in your approach.


Prioritize the company’s interests over personal ones. Stay focused on your work within the company, with career advancement through professional compensation or entrepreneurship (profit-sharing) as potential growth options. Keep an open mind to discover new ideas that can enhance the company’s effectiveness and efficiency.


Generate new ideas and demonstrate their value to the company. Approach problems from different perspectives to find creative solutions, always striving for positive change. Challenge existing concepts, ideas, and operations by proposing better approaches. Additionally, keep the company agile by simplifying business processes.



Collaborate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds, while preserving your unique character and viewing differences as strengths. Recognize that everyone can make mistakes, hold biases, and have weaknesses, but work together to overcome these challenges.​


Be transparent, avoid political maneuvering, and embrace originality while promoting a culture of candor. Speak honestly and directly with colleagues, avoiding behind-the-back comments. Acknowledge mistakes openly and share relevant information candidly, without fear of criticism or repercussions regarding your work.

A vertical low angle shot of a modern business building scenery touching the sky


You should be able to complete tasks that have a profoundly positive impact on the company quickly and accurately. Demonstrate consistent performance and motivate your peers. Prioritize business processes and address any gaps between results and processes by promptly assessing and improving them.

While articulating these values is straightforward, implementing them can be challenging. We hope that leaders will model these values effectively. Continuous feedback is crucial in every job and should be integrated into our daily work and life. Although feedback can be difficult to give and receive, ensure that it is aimed at achieving better outcomes in the future.

Fostering a culture of openness, honesty, and candor is challenging, but it has been shown to reduce workplace stress.

Strong Team

A strong team is characterized by a high motivation to work together toward ambitious, previously unimagined goals. It means pushing oneself to excel, caring deeply for fellow team members, and collaborating intensively. In a team setting, mistakes can arise from negligence or unforeseen errors. It’s important to distinguish between these; penalize negligence or lack of care, but guide and support learning from genuine mistakes.

Leaders should act objectively, with candor, and courageously address poor performance without favoritism or tolerance for dishonesty. Appearance is secondary to structured, high performance. We value loyalty and skills, and expect proactive information sharing with awareness of potential negative impacts on the company.

A strong team performs at a high level, works cohesively within context, inspires creativity and productivity, and adheres to company policies without compromising them for personal gain. Together, we strive for continuous improvement, confidence, and challenging the status quo for meaningful change.

Freedom & Responsibility

At our company, we reject the indifference towards tasks and responsibilities that don’t seem immediately impactful, such as managing waste or handling non-assigned work. We aim to cultivate a sense of ownership among all employees, supported by our policies which grant freedom, authority, and information for decision-making. This autonomy comes with the expectation of responsibility and discipline to ensure the best performance for the company’s benefit.

We trust you to grow and develop within the framework of established policies, allowing for technical improvisation. While we value order, structure, and systematic processes, these should not stifle innovation, collaboration, and creativity. Instead, structured processes should be seen as a foundation for crystallizing innovation and enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.


We recognize that business processes can become outdated, and it is our collective responsibility to remain adaptable and improve these processes. Therefore, we encourage you to design simple processes that are not necessarily easy but maintain essential control, supervision, and improvisation to achieve speed, accuracy, and excellence.


Our business processes are designed to mitigate errors due to the high-risk nature of our industry. However, this does not mean we restrict your ability to generate new ideas and exercise freedom. For decisions with high implications and risks, apply strict standards; for those with lower risks, exercise more freedom in execution.

Leaders and Decisions​

Because we prioritize efficiency and effectiveness, speed and accuracy in decision-making are crucial. However, all strategic decisions should first be communicated to the company’s Director for input. For non-strategic decisions, division leaders are granted autonomy to make these choices, with the requirement to inform the Director afterward. We do not prioritize consensus in decision-making, as it can slow down company progress. When facing such situations, revisit the initial decision matrix concepts based on risk analysis and impact. We encourage all leaders to make decisions quickly and accurately using the risk and impact decision matrix as a guide.

Open Debate

We encourage open debate, requiring all company members to share their ideas, opinions, and reasons for disagreement, along with proposing more efficient and effective solutions. However, once a decision has been made by leadership, you are expected to support and work towards its successful implementation. Throughout this process, focus on analyzing data to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision, and adapt if it proves to be ineffective or inefficient. Disagreement without discussion is unacceptable and can have a negative impact on productivity. We do not want this to occur within our company. We do not prioritize consensus in decision-making, as it can slow down company progress. When facing such situations, revisit the initial decision matrix concepts based on risk analysis and impact. We encourage all leaders to make decisions quickly and accurately using the risk and impact decision matrix as a guide.

Structured Harmonization​

In our industry, structure, systematic processes, and order are crucial. However, we do not accept merely common business processes. We require extraordinary processes to achieve optimal efficiency and effectiveness. Disagreement without discussion is unacceptable and can have a negative impact on productivity. We do not want this to occur within our company. We do not prioritize consensus in decision-making, as it can slow down company progress. When facing such situations, revisit the initial decision matrix concepts based on risk analysis and impact. We encourage all leaders to make decisions quickly and accurately using the risk and impact decision matrix as a guide.


We acknowledge that business processes can become outdated and irrelevant over time. Therefore, you are expected to periodically evaluate these processes to find solutions that enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency focuses on speed and cost, while effectiveness emphasizes accuracy and goal alignment. Business processes are designed to achieve both efficiency and effectiveness. If a process is not perceived as efficient or effective, changes should be made promptly.Disagreement without discussion is unacceptable and can have a negative impact on productivity. We do not want this to occur within our company. We do not prioritize consensus in decision-making, as it can slow down company progress. When facing such situations, revisit the initial decision matrix concepts based on risk analysis and impact. We encourage all leaders to make decisions quickly and accurately using the risk and impact decision matrix as a guide.

Be the best​

All cultures, visions, missions, and values are crafted to build an organization that thrives for the next 100 years. The Board of Human Development is crucial in supervising and addressing poor behavior and performance that does not align with these values. This document underscores the importance of culture and values, as not everything can be systematized. It is vital to eliminate any processes, writings, or values that negatively impact the organization. Efficiency focuses on speed and cost, while effectiveness emphasizes accuracy and goal alignment. Business processes are designed to achieve both efficiency and effectiveness. If a process is not perceived as efficient or effective, changes should be made promptly.Disagreement without discussion is unacceptable and can have a negative impact on productivity. We do not want this to occur within our company. We do not prioritize consensus in decision-making, as it can slow down company progress. When facing such situations, revisit the initial decision matrix concepts based on risk analysis and impact. We encourage all leaders to make decisions quickly and accurately using the risk and impact decision matrix as a guide.


Taxsam is committed to delivering clarity and value, transforming challenges into opportunities for our clients.

A.R Wicaksono


In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." – Benjamin Franklin

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